the TEAM
Senior Design Consultant

Meet Megan, graphic design virtuoso and arguably the most popular person on our team.

Case in point, once at a whole team meeting, we were all asked to pick one team member we appreciate and share a few words about why we love working with them. Everyone chose Megan. Awkward. But it’s a moment in Frontier’s history we all still laugh about. More importantly, it’s a moment that speaks to Megan’s universal likeability. Talk about charisma power. But don’t let her charm or stature fool you—Megan is tougher than all of us. A CrossFit devotee and passionate outdoorswoman, pretty sure if we had to choose one person to brave the apocalypse with, we’d all choose Megan (again).


Wanna get on her good side? Send tacos and margaritas. Especially after a long bike ride.